Source Code

Italian Food

Best food to eat while talking at the same time.

Evvee butty mangia da mingia!

by Pasta Fazoo November 30, 2003

286👍 87👎

Italian Food

Not as bad as wordMexican Food/word but not as good as wordChinese Food/word

by Anonymous June 29, 2003

37👍 335👎

Italian food

Culinary tradition stolen from China. Spaghetti - Noodles (Chinese)
Tomato sauce - Ketchup (Chinese)

Chinese person : rook that fat woman with a goatee is a making a noodles stir fry.

Chinese intellectual : No she a not making noodles that a woman a making italian food, spaghetti with a ragu. She a not chinese, you no see she style her hair with butter? an a she have lot of facial hair, she Itarian.

by captain wagtail May 16, 2009

28👍 152👎