Source Code


German, military:

The only (correct) answer to any (reasonable) order given by a superior rank (or any other rank in a temporary position of authority), usually followed by a swift execution of said order.

Also more often than not followed by some form of swearing/bitching directed against the superior, when out of his/her hearing range (mostly done by conscripts in the first half of their 9-month military service or senior enlistees who consider the ordered task a nuisance and/or beneath them).


Uffz Schmidt: "Müller! Tun Sie dies und das! Bewegung!"

G Müller: "Jawohl, Herr Unteroffizier!"

(ein paar Sekunden später und einige Meter weiter)

G Müller: "...tun Sie dies und das! Fick dich doch du blödes Arschloch!"


Sgt. Schmidt: "Müller! Do this and that! Move your ass!"

Pvt. Müller: "Yes, Sergeant!"

(a few seconds later and several meters farther)

Pvt. Müller: "...do this and that! Go fuck yourself you stupid asshole!"

by OG a.D. March 16, 2009

613👍 67👎


Meaning: Affirmative, Yes. Used as: A response to an order. From: It is a German word.

Jawohl, mein Kommandant

by Joshua S. January 18, 2004

367👍 49👎



I.E. An acknowledgment to an order

"Jawohl, Mein Fuhrer"

by Paul December 11, 2003

190👍 81👎


German. Meaning: Yes sir! Normally used following an order and tends to preceed a large bout of gun fire and and some dead POWs and/or extensive escape attempts.

Jawohl! Herr Kaleun!

*Bang bang bang*
*Over the top death acting*

by An Awesome Biscuit November 18, 2009

43👍 29👎


A sarcastic affirmative response to an overly strict or domineering person. The German military root of the word implies a reference to Hitler, as his officers would have given the same emphatic response to his orders.

"Bart, I told you to stop whistling that annoying tune!"
"Jawohl, mein mammedant!"

by Der Schnerddenfaust December 22, 2009

80👍 76👎


It's a phrase that turns most Germans horny.

Gretel: Ohhh Hansel, your boots are so shiny! would you like to touch my pflepushdieshundtdlahisbergerhan?
Hansel: I am titilated, I will touch, jawohl!

Gretel: I am in liebe.

by mr. steiner October 5, 2010

43👍 47👎

Jawohl, Mein fuhrer!

Yes. When you have to acknowledge (say yes) to someone your pissed off at but what to do it in a way that will also piss them off.

A reference to the time when saying yes to hitler meant saying “Jawohl mein fuhrer”.

Mom - go clean up you room this minute young man.
Son - Jawohl, mein fuhrer!

by OOFtenused March 5, 2019

70👍 10👎