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When u get surprised but canโ€™t react and arenโ€™t alive no mo :(

โ€œPlaying a gameโ€
Person 1: So I was just thinking abt how Supac Thakur changed the world during quaranti-

(Person 1 gets headshot)

Person 1: JeZu!?

by Soddy Wally March 21, 2021


Either the lord and savior or the guy mowing your lawn

Person A: Do you know Jezus is watching you.
Person B: Yes he is mowing my lawn.

by Your friendly rebbel January 29, 2016

21๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A name describing an individual of culture, reading about 20 mangas a day. A weeb.
A person with the instance of "Jezu" in their name is regarded as doing one of several questionable activities in their spare time, most commonly of an anime interest.

A wild Jezu is seen in his natural habitat, reading one of 50 mangas that he must still catch up on.

by helloImJustAnotherRandomPerson May 27, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jello Jezus

A very homo-sexual small statue of Jezus made completely out of a small, blonde, British kids jizz, which one may use for pleasuring their rectum.

"Want to go make a Jello Jezus?"
"Only if i can swallow the jizz then barf it up on to your chest"
"Great, then i'll shove it in my rectum"

by Jamesnuttall April 18, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jezus Tapdancing Christ

Jesus Christ, Oh my God.

Jezus Tapdancing Christ! Did he really say that?

by Lil-Dragon August 20, 2018


A fine guy, caring person and always has something to entertain you with. But always gets their names mixed with โ€œJesusโ€ but really doesnโ€™t care what people call them.when you first see them you might think they are mean but when you get to know them they are probably still kinda mean but sweet. He also gets no hoes cause heโ€™s loyal.

JEZUS is a tall handsome young man bing bong

by Fuck yo life bing bong November 22, 2021

Jezus Cheetos

A secular placeholder for the common vernacular use of "Jesus Christ", when exclaiming disdain or confusion.

"Jezus Cheetos Sonny-Jim, get a fucking grip.

by _betamax_ June 11, 2018