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Jim Pickens

Jim Pickens is the leader of Jim’s cult and Jim is God.

We always must celebrate Dear Leader Day.

Person: hey, ever heard of Jim Pickens?

by Kevin O’Reilly aka CallMeKevin March 26, 2019

196πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Jim Pickens

Jim pickens is our dear leader, the most important person in the world, he will bring us all to the promised land of his slave dungeon where we will love forever painting him.
All hail the great dear leader Jim pickens

Sometime in the near future:
Everybody: "all hail the great dear leader Jim pickens"

by Un1con March 12, 2019

221πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Jim Pickens

1.Our dear leader
2.The main character in the YouTuber Call Me Kevin's sims 4 videos
Notabale for his interesting life
Married the grim reaper,

Kidnapped Santa (Twice),
Became a vampire
Started a cult
Killed so many people that the grim reaper beat him up, and loads more

All hail our glorious leader, Jim Pickens

by LesKen February 6, 2019

248πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Jim Pickens

He leads his own cult where his members worship him. (Note to self: AVOID ALL MEMBERS.)

Person: are you in jim pickens' cult?
Me: no

*I then run away*

by Austinkeith2010 April 16, 2023

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž