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job security

Anything that may influence circumstances so that one may continue in one's current employment, regardless whether the job actually needs to be performed.

See legislator, lawyer, self-serving, and conflict of interest.

by Downstrike May 22, 2004

16👍 5👎

job security

An excuse that douchebags use when they make a mess after a janitor or custodian has just cleaned something up. The logic behind it is that the cleaner has nothing better to do with their life, so if you don't make a mess, they will have nothing to do and will lose their job.

He just mopped the floor. Quit hacking loogies all over the place.
I know he mopped it. Job security.

by therealGodWarrior July 20, 2012

6👍 2👎

blow job security

Guaranteeing yourself secure employment by performing fellatio on the boss.

She'll never get fired, she has blow job security.

by Belkster December 7, 2015