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jump around

jump from one thing to another--ie. try different things

"We can jump around and try new things, which others can't or won't."

by Jean-Luc August 23, 2003

21👍 14👎

Jump Around

A song which is only remembered for the...weird sound at the beginning.

Jump Around

1% Rapid-fire rapping
19% Being played at every stadium that has ever existed
80% A really weird noise that sounds like a dog getting run over by a car

by Someone who kinda exists August 10, 2021

3👍 1👎

jumping around

Running around town and hanging out with different groups of people and visiting different establishments.

I'm jumping around with my bestie right now.

by Justfiguringthisout1990 December 26, 2017

1👍 1👎