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Junk Yarding

When you ram the f*ck out of a girl with your fingers.
(Can be acompanied with chainsaw noises)

"I took that girl to the junk yard last night"
"Yeah i junk yarded the f*ck out of her"
"I'm going to junk yard someone so hard tonight, il be covered in blood"
"I'm junk yarding tonight"

by P-biggy February 1, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Junk yard dog

just skin and bone and cock

Man, do you see jimmy; that fucking guy is like a junk yard dog .. โ€œ all skin and bone and cockโ€

by Slusss6969 February 7, 2018

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Junk Yard Cooter

An overused, rancid and smelly whore that needs constant stroking and feels the world owes her red carpets and royal capes, never thinking that her own sloppy, vapid flaps stink after she fucks everyone over.

When she finished spouting her grandeurous illusions, the musty scent of lingering junk yard cooter filled the air.

by bad dawg November 15, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Junk Yard Twat

The most insulting of all twat insults...a raunchy, rancid two faced whore that feels the world owes her raw screaming orgasms of gratitude and doesn't think her own soggy, vapid flaps stink after she fucks everyone over.

His clean calvins were oozing in stench after that Junk Yard Twat worked his leg.

by bad dawg November 15, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Junk yard hoe

A girl who is so incredibly deplorable, both aesthetically and audibly, that she belongs in a junk yard. A JYH is usually the ugly friend of a cooler, more visually pleasing girl, usually kept around so that said hot girl looks more appealing to the male population.

Bro #1: Dude, I hate when Nicole brings Christina around. Everything about her is unbearable.

Bro #2: I know man. She's a real junk yard hoe.

by PrettyFlvcko November 17, 2014

junk yard chili dog

1. Passionless throat pounding until vomiting occurs.
2. Savage rectal plunder until a vomit-fecal slurry is achieved.
3. Perform furious mammory coitus.

I gave my old lady the old junk yard chili dog last night fellas!

by Alaskan cock basket May 29, 2017

West Virginia Junk yard

When you dispose used condoms everywhere along with many other misc. items.....

After Kevin leaves...."Man this place looks like a west virginia junk yard"

by dizzle252525 April 10, 2011

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