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Just Don't

A phrase meaning the opposite of Just Do It.
Usually used when irritated at one's incompetence, or when embarrassed that you know someone
Also used to put down idiots or people that epically fail.
Also used in acts of sympathy for the retard that almost did, but you saved them by indicating that they Just Shouldn't.
Also said to let one know that they Shouldn't Have just in case they ever try to again.

Idiot: Hey guys do you want to hear a joke that I just said but went unnoticed by you because you guys don't give a shit about me/want me to leave/hate the shit out of me/I can't tell.
Cool cat: Just Don't man Just Don't
Idiot: Knock Knock
Cool cat: WTF I just said Just Don't man.
Idiot #2: Who's there?
Cool cat: Why are people like you alive?

Stooge: What did the guy say when he walked into a bar?
Audience: (crickets)
Stooge: He said "OW" get it he said ow because he hit his head on a bar because he walked into a bar like a metal bar and not the type I ever go to because nobody likes me.
Smart Person: Just Don't

Shithead (Shi-theed): Hey guys I smoke marijuana all the time. Doesn't that make me cool?
Reasonable Individual: Just Don't (PSH)(sound)

by My name's Shithead Shi-theed May 8, 2009

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Just Don't Care

Not caring; throwing arm over shoulder.

1. Person "You're taking a break from bowling"
Cameron Garbutt "I just don't care", (Flings arm over shoulder)

Person: Your house has been burnt down
Garbutt: Does it look like I care? Cus I just don't care. (Flings arm over shoulder)

by I wish I was Cameron Garbutt November 7, 2011

You just don't do that

A phrase added to the end of a sentence to indicate a forceful rejection of a particular action. Usually used to refer to unpleasant or unpopular actions.

Person A: "I heard you playing the piano, then you just stopped, how come?"
Person B: "They asked me to play Abba, you just don't do that."

Person A: "I can't believe they pulled that pitcher! He was doing so well!"
Person B: "I know, you just don't do that!"

by Saint Danger October 23, 2009

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wait, just don't buy a

it'll say buy a wait, just don't buy a mug

wait, just don't buy a mug

by YOU GOT JEBAITED May 5, 2021

Parents Just Don't Understand

A badass way of saying "ok boomer". Popularized by the song written by Will Smith prime 90s.

Dad is always bitching I don't go outside. Parents just don't understand. The environment is a mess, society sucks, work is turning people to zombies, dumbasses won't wear masks so COVID won't go away, everything is closed. Parents just don't understand.

by Junkyard Pirate July 30, 2021

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The World Just Don't Spin Like That

Things simply do not work that way; not the way life goes.

"I wish Welch's Fruit Snacks had a reasonable amount of snacks in the pouches"

"Yeah, that's too bad man, The World Just Don't Spin Like That."

by Trash Bees April 2, 2022

Just... Don't worry about it... Ok?

A phrase used most often by those who are trying to hide something, or keep a secret. Often said by someone who cares about the person they are talking to, and wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. Though, it can also be said to end a conversation that a perso is not enjoying or finds the person they are talking to irritating.

Lucy: Why can't i know, it's about me isn't it?
James: Just... Don't worry about it... Ok?

by Anonamous01010 November 23, 2013

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