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A blatantly sarcastic way of saying "Ok, thanks" in 1337 sp3ak.

-Internet talk isn't even worthy of being called a dialect. It's a mutilation of language, and we are the people who have to compensate for it's brazen idiocy.
-lol kthx

by Rendar55 August 27, 2003

661๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


The root "word" of several kthx* phrases. (such as kthxbye and kthxdie) Commonly used in IRC chats to express sarcastic lameness, implying that you're having to step down to talking "their" language when addressing a lamer.

<User1> kthxrtfmplz
<llama> KTHXSTFU
* Op has banned *llama*@*
* llama has been kicked from #example by Op (plzdiekthxbye)

by djv January 20, 2003

224๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shortened form of "okay thanks", in ironic or sarcastic defiance of possible disagreement from the other party.

Dad I can take your car today kthxbai

Go educate yourself kthx


by ulzha October 16, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derived from years of IRC word creation
Shortened and "strengthened" form of "kay, thanks" in that it carries more power than saying "kay, thanks" would. Also used as a prefix of suffix (see examples)

Fred: Die plzkthx.
Bob: plz2stfukthx
Fred: kthx

by Ultimation July 29, 2003

52๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Among other usages of this word, if someone is being a real idiot, it can be used after you prove them wrong/make them look like a fool/pwn them.

Idiot: 2+2=5
Anybody else: No, 2+2=4. Learn some math. Kthx.

by Thrash January 25, 2004

111๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


An phrase short for "Okay, thanks" that originated somewhere on the internet a really long time ago. A snarky, quick dismissal. The word today is now old and unfunny, and everybody who still uses it should be lined up and shot.

Scenesters are obsessed with it and end practically every sentence with it. Somebody tell them to stop. For the love of God, please.

Retarded scenester faggot: SUP NIGZ! Mah LJ is friends only, biiiiiiiotch. Kthx. &#9829;

by o_rly_factor September 3, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


A polite way of asking a question or exo-completing a statement.

รœb3R: pleese can i have sum chocylat kthx
ch00b: omg u r lame stfu kthx
รœb3R: no u r mean and i happen to be an 3l33t hacc0r
ch00b: hahaha n00b, u cannot hacc0r i ph0r i r gold host
ch00b: omg me b00t j00
รœb3R has left the conversation
รœb3R has joined the conversation
ch00b has left the conversation
รœb3R has made รœb3R an owner
รœb3R: pwned
รœb3R: kthx
dbzn00b: omg i ph33r =O

by waffle September 22, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž