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kissing teeth

The act of kissing teeth kmt means to express disapproval contempt, or dissatisfaction with a situation or person by making a sound through the act of sucking air through one's teeth.
Oft performed by people from the Caribbean.

I got to the cricket ground late. When I asked the man next to me what the score was, he spent the next 10 seconds kissing teeth at me!

by king biscuit August 24, 2007

155👍 40👎

kiss teeth

A sound that is made with the mouth to show disapproval or anger toward something. This action is commonly used amongst Jamaicans and other West Indians...

scenario- people standing in line at a bus stop girl #1 buds in front of girl #2

Girl #2- (kiss teeth) yo do you not see me standing here?

by cammmm January 9, 2008

129👍 29👎

kissing your teeth

A quick sucking of air through the teeth that sounds like a kiss. A way of expressing annoyance, or as if to say: "You've got to be kidding"!

I'm not telling you again! Clean up your room or stay home tonight! And don't be kissing your teeth at me either. I'm in no mood for your BS!

by talk2me-JCH2 June 19, 2023

1👍 1👎

kissing your teeth

A sound that is made with the mouth to show disapproval or anger toward something. Literally means kiss my ass. This action is commonly used amongst Jamaicans and other West Indians...

Person 1: You know your wrong.

Person 2: *kissing your teeth* I don't give a shit!

Person 1: Fuck you!

by kuruaisaburu February 11, 2012

164👍 38👎

Kiss my teeth

A phrase thats used to not agree or disrespect with a situation or something thats been said.

Orginated from Black Caribbean culture.

Trevor: "Bro, i heard that Erics been chatting wass about you."

Brandon: "Kiss my teeth"

by Onarealreal March 12, 2020

27👍 9👎

teeth kiss

When in the throes of extreme passion, you bite/mash/
smash/press hard and/or touch your lover's teeth with your teeth. Serious sensual turn-on when implemented with a vengeance
but leaves no visible mark or damage- unlike a suck mark. Will rock him! A risky endeavor if you are a native Kentuckian or in-bred hillbilly.

"God! I love to teeth kiss Rick and mash his beautiful, white, straight, hard, shiny teeth with my orthodontically enhanced and whitened enamel-bits!"
"Teeth kiss me ruff and make me hot enuff' to do damage!"

by MiMimmmmmmm December 10, 2009

46👍 23👎

Kiss me teeth

A Caribbean phrase used when an individual is particularly excited about something or someone.......

Or anything for that matter

'Are you going to soaxys party on Friday?'

' sure am cooper....... Kiss me teeth'

by Jaws69 November 1, 2013

7👍 30👎