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last cup

A drinking game. It's similar to beer pong and ping. You have one cup full of beer on each side of the table, and one in the middle full of water. The object is to make the ball in the opponents cup or hit it. If you make the ball in the opponents cup you immediately start drinking your beer till they shoot and make the ball in the middle cup of water. If you hit their cup you start drinking till they get the ball and put it anywhere on the table. The object is to be the first one done with your beer.

Hey man did you notice that every party we go to now people are playing last cup. That game must be pretty rad if everyone is playing.

by Ian,Jake November 18, 2007

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Sorry, last cup

When you offer to do something with no intention of doing it.

Toby: Hey man, you want some help moving?
Gabe: Yeah! That'd be great!

Toby: Sorry, last cup *takes imaginary sip*

by Lydbuscus November 20, 2011

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Sorry, last cup

Being a total boss offering coffe only to say "sorry, last cup"

"You want some coffe or something?"
"Yeah, that would be great!"
"Ah, sorry, last cup"
"Ah, you suck Buscus"

by Kreasj November 20, 2011

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Last Cup Steez

When both beer pong teams are stuck on the last cup and the game seems like it will never end because nobody will sink the last shot

Man I'm caught in the fucking Last Cup Steez, this game is taking forever to finish

by Barry McCockinner March 5, 2011

Last Cup Queen

A person, typically a female, who is a clutch player in the game of Flip Cup.

Man: Damn dude, that girl Ariana over there is totally not a Last Cup Queen. She lost to that other girl over there by 4 cups.

by Ari's Mom May 10, 2018

Last Cup Queen

A person, typically of the female variety, who is the clutch player in the game of Flip Cup or Beer Pong.

Joe: dude, that chick over there is a total Last Cup Queen.
Mike: you mean Ariana?
Joe: no, definitely not Ariana.

by Ari's Mom May 27, 2018

Last Cup Syndrome (LCS)

When you are struggling to hit that last cup in beer pong

Alright, time to get over last cup syndrome (LCS) and end the game.

by pizzo91 September 18, 2010