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last season

Outdated. Mostly reffered to out of fashion cloths.

Have you seen jemmie's whale tail? That was so last season.

by Mannzeet April 25, 2007

13👍 2👎

so last season

something that is alrealdy out of fashion

"I bought this purple dress for tonight." "Purple? Oh, come on, this color is so last season!"

by Gergana February 1, 2009

26👍 1👎

Last Season Syndrome

The final season of a television show being terrible/underwhelming.

Bob: "Hey man, did you catch the final season of Game of Thrones?"
Adam: "Yeah man, it was terrible. Season case of Last Season Syndrome."

by Messiah17 August 3, 2022

Last Season Syndrome

A television show airing the final season of the series and it being terrible/underwhelming.

Did you see the final season of Game of Thrones? Was a serious case of Last Season Syndrome.

by Messiah17 July 26, 2022