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lay her

When a girls good looking but a hoe, so you can inly get off with her at a party

‘Id lay into her’
Wouldn’t get with her normally but I’d lay her nicely

by Define.qk December 11, 2017

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Lay her down

When you want to cheer someone on for doing something you wouldn't expect them to do. Sorta like a round of applause for something unexpected. This can also be used with other pronouns (Lay him down, lay them down, etc.)

Jonathan: I walked in on your sister making out with her best friend.

Me: Lay her down!

by thatoneenby February 15, 2021

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5-lay her burrito

the act of placing your penis inside a 5-layer burrito and thrusting it into a woman's vagina

Mark, I just bought a 5-layer burrito from Taco Bell. I'm about to give all five layers to my girlfriend when she gets the old 5-lay her burrito.

by Don't Hassle the Hoff June 5, 2010

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lay on her belly

When a chick lays on her belly, and her butt cheeks are splayed out, ready to be smashed.

Yo dog, I told that girl to lay on her belly, and i smashed it all night!

by butt cheek man December 6, 2010

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laying down her arms

laying down her arms,

laying down her arms,

by Rafa55 April 10, 2022