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Leg Drop

Using your legs to pin, and or injure another person with style and grace.

Damnn did you see Miguel leg drop those two women on stage last night? That dude knows whats up!

by T-bonekillah June 16, 2013

5👍 1👎

leg drop

A women who is definitely overweight and sloppy, but has not quite reached the status of bohemeth. Also known as a "Leg Dreezy."

That Leg Drop bout broke my knee cap when she fell on me! She is so droptastic that I felt the need to go on a diet.

by Sir Drop-a-lot January 23, 2008

11👍 7👎

Double leg drop

An action performed by online streamers when being annihilated in a game or just being plain out salty AF.
The 'Double leg drop' is essentially raising your two legs up in the air and slamming them down on your desk in hopes to calm down or to abuse said desk

It is mostly performed by Twitch streamers however, the 'double leg drop' is also used by people on a variety of other platforms such as YouTube, Mixer, etc.

I saw xQc double leg drop his desk while he was streaming, that poor desk...

by Unexpectediteminbaggingarea June 13, 2020

hogan leg drop

Wrestling move made famous by Hulk Hogan. The Hogan Leg Drop is performed after kicking your opponent in the face, knocking them out flat on their back. You then run into the ring ropes for added speed and proceed to jump up and perform a leg drop. The reason the Hogan Leg Drop differes from other wrestlers' leg drops is that it is unstoppable. Only 3 wrestlers are known to have kicked out of the pin after this move was performed: The Ultimate Warrior, The Rock, and Goldberg. Even though this move is extrememly old school, even now when Hogan performs it in the ring it still has the same effect - a win for Hulk Hogan.

JR: Oh my God, King...Hogan gave the big boot to Randy Orton. And now he is signaling for the leg drop!!!

*Hogan then runs into the ropes and performs the leg drop*

JR: 1...2...3! Hogan wins! The Hogan Leg Drop wins it again!!! Hogan is 23,014 - 4 in the ring...an impressibe win loss record!

by Tom Sroka November 15, 2007

20👍 11👎

Hogan Leg Drop

The finishing move.

Boy: Damn everyone was speechless after Fred dropped the bomb about Anita's baby not being his.
Girl: Yea it was quite the hogan leg drop.

by Vatt Moor January 17, 2012

2👍 3👎

japanese leg drop

deadliest of all leg drops so sayeth the pimps of the round table

damn man u just handed out a japanese leg drop to his punk ass

by Big Slim August 15, 2004

4👍 16👎