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Legion Main

A Legion main is a person who mains legion in the game Dead By Daylight. The Legion has a power and his power is extremely bad no one likes a legion main.

Survivor Main : I hate Legion Mains

by pyrodog January 22, 2021

5👍 1👎

Legion Main

A Legion main is somebody who plays Titanfall 2 and can't aim, so they use spray and pray machine gun that requires no skill. They mainly use the Titan for the Smart Core. You can also usally find a Legion main using a spitfire, cloak, and/or smart pistol.

Pilot 1: I play Ion, and you
Pilot 2: I'm a Legion main
Pilot 1: Use an actual titan

by A Trash Northstar Main June 13, 2021

1👍 1👎

Talding Legion Main

A Talding Legion Main is a person who plays Dead By Daylight, but specifically the legion killer. Those who fall under this characteristic also constantly deny their involvement with the legion

Wow, have you played with that Talding Legion main Taller Toast? He is really toxic and loves to play legion and even has him level 50

by Definatelynotmudkip October 11, 2019