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Like a little

A place where ugly people can go to meet fat people and then they can make ugly fat small people (babies) or fugbabies.

I met a girl on like a little and she was so fat I threw up in my mouth when she came over. We still had sex anyway.

by ZachariahJebediah April 6, 2011

9👍 31👎

cry like a little bitch hotline

A word That Kubz scouts said

"This isn't cry like a little bitch hotline"

by •W3ird0• November 1, 2021

2👍 1👎

Cries/Cried/Crying Like A Little Bitch

A Adult/Teenager Who Cries Very Loud Compared To A Toddler Crying After It Has Tripped Over

He Cries/Cried/Crying Like A LIttle Bitch

by AndyBoyz November 11, 2016

6👍 5👎

I'll play like the children are little bugs in mah web.

One of the funniest lines in any movie.
From wordFamily Guy/word

by larstait October 17, 2003

22👍 6👎

Acting like a little devil worshipper

When someone starts to question their religious faith or attending church services.

Kim: You going to Sunday Service next week?
Denise: I don't go to church anymore. I don't really believe in Jesus and all that anymore...
Kim: You acting like a little devil worshipper now. You need to go to church, girl.

by Chrrrruch July 29, 2022

I like little kids the forty seventh

means how uksrfhaiafdlfjdkahfkjalfas

Bitch you i like little kids the forty seventh

by semen eater 42 March 18, 2022