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'like' rape

Where someone overuses the 'like' feature on Facebook only on another particular person's wall.

'Hey man, you, like, 'like' raped my wall. You're such a fag!'

Not to be confuesd with: 'I like rape'

by BabyLamb April 10, 2009

13👍 1👎

Like Rape

Abusing a Facebook function where you can "like" a friend's status or wall activity.

Like raping would consist of liking at least the last 50 activity notes on any one person's profile page, resulting in a copious and rather annoying amount of activity notifications.

Michelle: I just logged on to Facebook and I had 843 notifications. What the hell is going on?
Lee: Haha, Sam must've like raped you.
Michelle: Yes he did. How annoying! Now all my important notifications are lost within this rubbish.

Faye: It's Michelle's birthday today. Are you going to bake her a cake?
Sam: No, I'm going to Facebook like rape her instead.

by Sam Cornwell June 20, 2009

33👍 9👎

Showering like a rape victim

This is what you do after an alcohol induced hook-up with someone unattractive.

Danny: Dude...I got with Pam last night
Eric: PAM? You mean 250 pound saggy double D Pam?
Danny: ...Yeah man...I was too drunk dude
Eric: I bet she loved it man
Danny: Dude, I was showering like a rape victim this morning.
Eric: LOL

by pwntasticoBG September 9, 2008

33👍 18👎