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little mushroom

This is a sexual innuendo for reference to a man's erhmm member...in particular this refers to a rather downsized one at that.
Some people find as a reference to stoners or druggies, but in reality they aren't the smartest fucken cookie to think that...it is a new aged reference and is compliments of the innocent minded, dear friend...
Enjoy this new an innovated word

Aw he has such a little mushroom, poor guy, oh well what he lacks in character he makes up for in personality...

by D*Dcorruptedminddisturbed_soul November 27, 2017

1👍 2👎

little brown mushroom

When you release your load from your butt

I had a good little brown mushroom

by Ethan Croke December 14, 2016

1👍 2👎

little miss mushroom stamp

A person who has been given or is assumed to have been given a multitude of mushroom stamps. Could be used as an insult or a term of endearment.

So you think you're better than me little miss mushroom stamp.
Hey little miss mushroom stamp you missed drinks last night

by sdmama April 10, 2017