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looking for a job

When someone smokes the cannabis all day, drinks beer and gorges themselves on sweets. This is primarily done when one has a wife, girlfriends, friends or roommate. He then lies to them and says he was "looking for a job."

Roommate: Didn't you do anything today?

Stoner: I was looking for a job.

Roommate: So, are you saying you smoked all my weed and drank all my beer again?

Stoner: (after a few moments of thinking it over) What did you say?

Roommate: Did you drink all my beer and smoke all my weed today...while I was at work?

Stoner: (giggles) Maybe I also ate all of your Cap'n'Crunch with Crunch Berries too.

by promocomoedia@gmail.com July 16, 2008

16👍 3👎

look for a job

what you do when your loser husband deserts you and your children.

My worthless husband took off so now i have to "look for a job".

by TattoodMom August 4, 2008

13👍 3👎

Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody, just follow me

Now this looks like a job for me so everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy

by Iwillpourcementinyourears July 7, 2023

look job

When you catch a girl that doesn't put out, but will give you an act of glancing or giving a long stare at your twig and berries.

Dude, i tried to get her to suck me off, but she just gave me a look job.

by Johnnyo September 26, 2007

8👍 2👎