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looking gay

killing a bunch of small animals

bro brad was looking gay yesterday.

by Ima back November 18, 2020

5👍 4👎

Good looking gay jerk

A homosexual person who looks good but is being full of himself/herself - a jerk to other people

Cristiano Ronaldo could be a GLGJ - good looking gay jerk

by bykc June 15, 2016

5👍 5👎

gay look

when you look at someone with your eyes but the look is just shouting GAYYY GAYYYY

megan gave me a gay look

by Idislikefreddo October 8, 2021

Looks like gay porn

What is said of a guy that looks like a real sleaze bag.that is absolutly that king of sleaze bags. A guy whose looks make you thing of a bunch of sleaze bag queers fucking each other in the butt ect.

There's no way I trust that guy he looks like gay porn.

by Deep blue 2012 December 1, 2009

22👍 23👎

The Gay Look

An odd hairstyle that has hair in a round, upside down bowl on your head, which works best with 2-4 inch hair.

Look at this dude's hair!
I know, right? He's got The Gay Look!

by Quicksand Boy January 20, 2018

1👍 4👎