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Lost and Found

Where one losses their mind and finds freedom.

Stoner1: Wow check out that guy tripping balls. Hes Lost and Found.
Stoner2: Haha yeah, Looks like hes lost his mind!
Stoner1: But hes found freedom man, thats what lifes all about.

by Simpl1 March 25, 2011

291👍 25👎

Lost and Found

n. Term used to describe a bedside storage container for forgotten items left behind by others.

Gary, do you have a hair tie?" she asked. "Maybe, let's check the lost and found for something Judy might have left, babe."

by N73_BlugrasS February 3, 2011

48👍 249👎

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is a Christian rock band. Michael Bridges and George Baum are the two members. Michael plays guitar and George plays piano/keyboard. They can be visited at www.speedwood.com.

Some songs by Lost and Found are: Baby, Lions, and Be Not Afraid.

by Christian Rock July 12, 2006

27👍 252👎

Lost and found

First you shove a XL unlubricated condom down ur childs throat causing them to suffocate before the baby can cry for help you chuck it down a river with a rock tied to their leg, this is where the police will find the dead and washed up baby by the river banks causing them to put it in lost and found

Omg Jamie! Did u really throw our newborn to lost and found!?!?!

by RUSSIA BRUSHING NIGMA February 10, 2020

6👍 16👎

Lost and Found Department

or, LAFD, where pickpockets stash their swag

"Has he shown you the Lost and Found Department with all his swag?"

"Naw, he don't trust me."

by berkeleyreporter August 28, 2012

lost and found child

A child that was found after being kidnapped

A child in the "Lost and Found" bin

Didn't you hear? Billy's a lost and found child.

by heyitzstani April 6, 2017

no love lost no love found

There was no love there to begin with, so there is definitely none to be found now.

'Did you hear Dan slept with another girl on saturday night?' 'Why would I care he was selfish in bed anyway' 'Yeah good for you- no love lost no love found.'

by idiotsrus1 December 1, 2013

70👍 16👎