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Lunar Eclipse

When your butt (or Moon) is in shadow.
It can only happen during a full moon (in which you bend over and expose your buttocks).

Ben: Did you see the lunar eclipse last night?
Gregory: It was crazy.
Ben: My friend bent over to get something but was in shadow because her room was dark.
Gregory: That’s a good thing because she was naked alright.
Ben: I know right?
Gregory: Yeah.

by gregben February 7, 2022

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Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse is when the Earth's shadow blocks the full moon, making it look red and dark.

A lunar eclipse is also when you're mooning (exposing your butt to) someone in broad daylight and a plane blocks the sun for a few seconds, casting a shadow on the moon (butt).

It was nighttime and all the people came to watch the lunar eclipse (Earth's shadow blocking the moon for a while).
Tom was mooning people and then a plane passed by to cast a shadow. It was a lunar eclipse (shadow blocking butt).

by CognitiveFuel September 2, 2023

Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse looks just like a solar eclipse, but is instead when evil people on the moon decide to take over the universe with snipers and other shit like that.

OMG! It's a sniper.

Must be a lunar eclipse.

by LunarEclipse99 December 3, 2013

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Lunar Eclipse

When you start mooning someone but then a poop comes out.

It was all fun and games until my moon had a lunar eclipse.

by Davion Grey October 9, 2017

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