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mad ugly

Worst than the usual version of "ugly"
-Really Ugly -Seriously Ugly

"Bro this girl at the club was mad ugly so I told her I had a girl"

"Yoooo that hair cut look mad ugly who cut yo head up"

"My instagram pictures look mad ugly when I dont add a filter"

by bbg.trinity7 December 19, 2016

19👍 1👎

Mad ugly🗿

When someone calls you “mad ugly” which means not pleasant looking.

Yo bro you mad ugly🗿

by Mad ugly January 31, 2022

1👍 1👎

mad ugly kid shutup

When some headass boi tries to cook your shit but you come back with some heat

Wtf ya mad ugly kid shutup. You headass mofucker

by IH8Men69420 February 18, 2018

make-you-mad ugly

A slang term used mostly by men to describe a very unattractive woman.

"Damn, that girl at the bus stop is make-you-mad ugly. I bet the bus just goes right by."

by tchotchittytchotcheroony December 10, 2008

1👍 9👎