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The most beautiful, sexy, intelligent, loving girl ever. A Margaux won't ever not make you smile and will always be there for you. She's an incredible kisser and an amazing lover. A Margaux is the kind of girl every guy wants to love and consequently every guy is jealous of the guy the Margaux chooses to love. She's loyal and very hard working. Her name can be made into many nicknames, the most common being Marge. Even though Marge sounds like an old woman's name who would probably bag your groceries at Walmart, Margaux proves those stipulations wrong by being the smartest and most beautiful and nicest and most loving girl around. Margaux is every mans dream.

I'm so in love with you Margaux

by Markbman99 November 28, 2016

511๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Margaux is a beautiful poet, who is always deep in her thoughts. She likes to have fun, but is also pre occupied with what's in her mind. She is a great partner who is thoughtful and a great listener. It is a plus to know a Margaux.

Person 1: hey who wrote this great poem? It's brilliant!
Person 2: I'm not sure, it was probably Margaux.

by RealPoet January 1, 2014

92๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Margaux is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She is fun loving and knows the right time to crack a joke. Margaux's are great friends and great sisters. You would be an idiot not to love a Margaux.

What a girl, yup she is a Margaux

by Craxywithanx December 19, 2011

218๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazing caring friend who is really awesome.

I'm so glad I'm roommates with Margaux!

by imsojazzed December 2, 2011

115๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you ever meet a Margaux your in luck! She is honest and tell you anything that's happening. She is so annoyingly Smart. Also a amazing dancer. If you come across a Margaux BE FRIENDS WITH HER!!!!!

Boy: hey did you see Margaux she is a hottie

by Nobd June 5, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bossy girl that everyone knows. Very Pretty and usually french. Always attracted to multiple guys and can often be slutty. Lots of girls don't like Margaux because they are jealous but some do because she can be nice but still bossy.

Shaun:Hey do you know Margaux?

Ellie:YAH! who doesn't she's so popular and pretty!

by rawrr123 September 5, 2011

113๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sweet person, very caring. Margaux will always cheer you up. They are very good at hiding their emotions. Margaux can keep secrets and is very energetic. They will always hype you up. They are not afraid to stand up for themselves and other people. Outside the appear tough but on the inside they are just as self-conscious as any person. Margaux can be very stubborn but is always good at heart. They are very creative and always are very sure of themselves. Margaux can hold grudges on you for a long time and it is best to not get on their bad side. Margaux are also very protective of their friends, no matter how they talk to you, if your they're friend they will stand up to you. They will always be there for you.

Person 1 looking sad
Margaux: hey are you ok? (Inside feeling broken)

by Piggies ruleee February 1, 2022