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May 6th

If you were born on may 6th your the coolest person ever. Your amazing, stunning and your figure is insane. All the boys drop on to they’re knees as soon as your in sight and all the girl’s are desperate to be besties with you. Your loved.

Boy1 : woah she’s gorgeous

Boy2 : I know, she must have been born on may 6th

by Girl1235789284 November 5, 2019

131👍 17👎

May 6th

National blow job day

Oh it’s may 6th time to give a blow job

by Gordon Rams Mii October 17, 2019

51👍 14👎

May 6th

May 6th is finally hook up with that dude who you’ve been joking about hooking up with

Hey it’s May 6th, fuck it, let’s hook up

by Oopsguessimmabitch April 30, 2021

8👍 2👎

May 6th

Kiss your boyfriend day! Go up to your boyfriend and kiss him. That simple.

It’s May 6th! Go kiss your boyfriend!

by writerperson69 May 3, 2022

May 6th

National praise Landon day. And give him a blowjob

Oh boy! It’s May 6th”!
“hey, there’s Landon, better get on your knees!”

by Nigger penis October 12, 2019

34👍 34👎

May 6th

National hug day! Hug anyone and they can't do anything about it but stand still or hug you back, you time to shine!

Hey its May 6th, give me a hug!

by Definitely true May 5, 2021

4👍 1👎

May 6th

National randomly start stomping yur feet day. Lets make an earthquake and impeach trump pervs!!!

Wow! I can belive its May 6th!

by DefiningGravity January 2, 2020

10👍 9👎