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This homie right here has a big heart and can help you through a lot. He can sometimes get on your nerves but he's never serious so you gotta chill when he bullies you.

Mayank: wassup kutiya

by Not mayla February 11, 2021

570πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


Mayank is a very generous and kind person. He is a man of his words. An epitome of loyalty and commitment being true to his sign Leo. Mayank is super emotional and sensitive but usually portrays an iron shield around him. More like a coconut with a soft side. Mayank will have a very sharp mind with a taste of fine luxury. He usually adapts to his surroundings without being too fussy about his demands. He likes to be made feel special with little heartful efforts. You do not need to empty your pockets to make Mayank feel special. A small gesture with all your love is something he would admire more. Mayank can sometimes be a rebel, and can go to extreme measures under anger but regrets it as soon as he ends up hurting his close ones. Mayank has big dreams and a long vision. He strives to keep himself and his family fulfilled. He can laugh off about anything with all his heart. But the moment you disrespect Mayank or put your ego on the front, he is ticked off immediately that he gets on the verge to disappear from your life. Mayank loves his comfort people and food. He is overall a fabulous person, who cares, loves, commits to the best of his abilities. Mayank will always stick through your thick and thins without any complaints. If you have a Mayank in your life, you’ve achieved the biggest gift of your life. Now never ever hurt him and let him go out of your life. Be genuine and real with Mayank because that’s what a Leo appreciates as he gets it when you attempt to fake.


Meaning of Mayank

by Fallingforyou2014 November 22, 2021

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Mayank is such a caring and loveable person with a great personality.he is man of words .he never disrespects anyone. A responsible son, brother and a person with attractive personality.


by Anjali..singh.... November 24, 2021

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A true Spartan who loves EBME 101. The most gorgeous man on this planet who doesnt even need to be a good student because he is so good looking, but he is. He left Jennifer Aniston to be with Molly because he realized that she is much better looking and that she would give him the children Jennifer would not. He is so amazing and wonderful and I heart him.

-Jennifer Anniston

Mayank left Jennifer Aniston for Molly and now they are getting married and will make beautiful children.

by sexybeast123re75439879867 August 30, 2010

329πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž


This homie right here has a big heart. Chill guy until you make him angry. Smart and too good to be true. He will do anything for his friends.He fucks hella treeches and has hella money. His dick is huge af thats why he gets more girls than other boys. Honestly having a Mayank in your life is quite privileged.

What a gem of a person!He is truly Mayank.
His dick is so huge he must be a Mayank!

by aarya002 November 22, 2021

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


He is a guy with his cute, charming face. He will make you addicted to himself. People find it difficult to stay without him once they get used to of him. He makes you feel that you just him and nothing else in your life. He would directly or indirectly makes you do more and better in your life. People just see cuteness on his face. He makes you feel comfortable and fearless as he is. He makes you live your life in a different way. He doesn't worry about future and believe in living life in its full capacity.

Mayank: Kiran, will you give me your notes?
Kiru: I will give you that would be an honor for me sir.

by Ur Kiruu November 25, 2021

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


This man here can be as good as u can never think of ! He is having a really good heart with him!! And is reallly great in bed !


by Alexander Graham bbell November 24, 2021

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž