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Pronounced: (Me”lie”ka) Maroccan female name meaning “Queen”. Pronounced: (Me”lie”ke) Turkish female name meaning “Little Angel”. If you have a girl like Melike, then you will be the luckiest person in the world. She has a big heart, beautiful hair and a great personality. She is always happy but broken inside. If she loves you then she really does, she will do anything for you. Don’t lose her, it will be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made. She is a little angel. She went through a lot of things but still has a big golden heart. If you marry her you will be the happiest and the luckiest man in the world. She is an amazing cooker and cleanster. Men go crazy because of her beautiful body, she has a big fat ass but her heart is bigger! She definitely is a queen and angel. She has everything a man is looking for. But don’t make her too angry and jealous, she’ll turn into a heartless psycho. She’s a very strong woman, so watch out when you piss her off. Never seen such a loyal woman like Melike. She definitely is a ride or die. You’ll cry your eyes out if you lose her. Once you break her heart she’ll never trust you again. Everyone thinks that she is trusting people very quick, but she is actually testing them. You have to earn her trust, not getting it! Never saw a smart woman like her before.

She is such a Melike, i wanna be her too!

by yoroldum December 21, 2018

52👍 4👎


When you meet a person like Melike you can't realize how time flies. Her charm has a similar effect as general relativity. I fell into your love babe.


Melike is my understanding of beauty, I wanna be her.

by mehmettheburner May 5, 2022


Melike is a very funny person with a big ass and broken personality. Also referred to as saskia, Galopp or der king of rap.

Person A: who just joined the vc?
Person B: thats Melike, the one who carries us in brawlhalla!

by ayleenchen December 30, 2022


Used to describe a beatiful person. It is also a name you would give a child with great importance

Oh she is so Melike, look at her amazing eyes.

by Melike Berker December 29, 2009

162👍 74👎


Pronounced: (Mĕ'lee'kĕ) Turkish female name meaning "Little Angel". Derived from the Turkish female name Melek meaning angel.

Look at Melike, she is such a sweet girl.

by websterchick February 6, 2010

107👍 80👎


A Turkish female name which literally translates to 'queen bee' or generally queen.

Melike is such a nice girl.

by herseybitter July 1, 2015

57👍 50👎


meaning queen in Arabic or something, But like in real life: The coolest most beautifulest and artistic human in existence. You can't replace her because she creates the most perfect things. And not just perfect art, but perfect moments and memories. There aren't enough Melike's in this world, but that's what makes her special. Funky, Groovy, important. One of the best friends you'll ever have. Someone you definitely wanna get drunk with. But overall the type of person to cringe at the cheesiness of this definition. love ya Meli - L

person A - "does meli funk?"
person B - "yes melike does funk."
person A - "ok cool thought so."

by pseudonymlolidontcare August 8, 2019

45👍 42👎