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mean shit

A huge and/or painful shit.

Man, after eating all that spicy food, I had to take a mean shit.

by Bobby De Niro March 23, 2006

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taking a mean shit

The act of taking an extremely gratifying dump often resulting in extensive odor, grotesque size, and/or substantial clean up to oneself or facility.

Johnny Shatt, grimacing comically at his two friends at Bob's Big Boy, knew he pushed the limits having eaten 2 burgers, both friends' french fries, and a chocolate shake. Now, it was time to leave his final farewell to the restaurant...TAKING A MEAN SHIT! This final act would be the highlight to a beautiful evening with the lads.

by ShawShankPrison February 18, 2023

Your name here doesn't mean shit

We don't care what other people invented about your in Urban dictionary.

Dude, have you checked your name on Urban Dictionary?
- Honestly, your name here doesn't mean shit

by I don't care about your name November 22, 2021

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