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Meat factory

Scumbag single mother benefit claimant, who bangs out one illegitimate thick bastard child after another as a career. The fathers of these obnoxious underclass parasites are similarly mentally defective pieces of detritus who will never contribute a single thing to society if they live to be 110.

Just look at that fat Meat factory. Six fucking kids already and only out of school two years.

by ffs!-you-know-i'm-right June 8, 2011

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Meat Factory Party

Is a party mainly for people to get extremely drunk and have sex with multiple men. Usually random women show up and the party is often kept quiet from the public. Many people who are in relationships show up at meat factory parties to 'swing' or enjoy a different style of sex. Orgies and group sex with multiple men is the main reason the parties are held and the main reason people attend

Jennifer always wanted to get plowed by multiple men but was afraid of what her beta husband would think, so she went alone to a meat factory party, got black out drunk, and lived out her fantasy of being double penetrated by a couple of frat brothers.

by WalterDisney April 24, 2018