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Memory loss

Being depressed can make it difficult to pay attention and focus, which can affect memory. Stress and anxiety can also get in the way of concentration. When you are tense and your mind is overstimulated or distracted, your ability to remember can suffer.

Memory loss

by mennäperille December 7, 2019

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muscle memory-loss

1. When you know how to do something really well, but when you try to show people you suddenly can't seem to do it.
2. When you can do something without thinking about it, but when you consciously engage in said activity, you constantly fail at it.

I tried to show off to my friends how well I could ice skate, but I was struck by an acute case of muscle memory-loss and I fell on my ass. They wouldn't believe that I was ever good at it afterwards.

by das.sprache.meister February 26, 2015

selective memory loss

Condition where you choose things you want to forget not always on purpose.

Reena: do you remember that time in sixth grade where the teachers put us in that room when we were crying?
Matty: Umm, no?
Reena: really?
Matty:Oh shoot i must have selected it!
Reena: ugh, the selective memory loss is back!

by smlchk November 2, 2009

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Memory Loss Monday

When you don’t remember anything on Monday's because you don’t pay attention and have memory loss

I had a “memory loss Monday

by Sneakylink1569 November 16, 2021

Short Dick Memory Loss

One who can not retain information due to a lack of a properly sized penis.

Lore- It's said that these people think with their second head because their actual head is smoother than a bald man's head fresh out of a wax job.

A person diagnosed with SDML is known to forget information attained in the last 10 minutes. The time in which someone loses information often varies depending on how small the penis is. People with smaller penises usually ranging from just tip to 2 inches have shown that they forget way more frequently and will have to ask you to repeat what you said numerous times.

SIDE EFFECTS- No Bitches and possibly no friends
EARLY SIGNS- You can catch early signs of SDML when you measure your penis and it's smaller than 4 inches.
TREATMENTS- None (sorry to break it to ya, hope you got mone cause you ain't pulling shit)

Person 1: Tims's annoying asf, bro keeps saying what.

Person 2: Give him a break, he has Short Dick Memory Loss.

by TheRealZeusypoo March 29, 2022


The condition of a person who on average takes days to respond to even the simplest texts. When asked about it they will say they didn’t realize they didn’t respond. Also known as TTML.

Hey Charlie, ask Aliya if she wants a meal from McDonald’s. Sorry Mark, Aliya suffers from text tone memory loss; She won’t respond for a few days.

by King Raimundo December 7, 2021

Kid-term Memory Loss

When an adult forgets completely what they were like as a child, so they think no young teen ever swears, that they all want sex so shouldn't date, and care about some stupid jokes, because they forget that as a kid they did swear, they didn't have sex till much later in their life, and they hated those jokes.

Bob-I'm grounded for a week because I sweared in front of my mom.
Jimmy-Doesn't she realize that she swore just as much as us when she was 13?
Bob-I guess not, she probably has kid-term memory loss or something.

by t12j19c95 May 20, 2009

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