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Mentally Erect

When someone uses their brain to the full, this can be both bad or good.
This can be interpretted in many ways it basically just means using your brain to your full potential.

Person 1: Hello you crazy axe wielding chimpanzee,
Person 2: God aren't you mentally erect.

Person 1: Im so pissed of your a right fucking idiot why do you always do this to me?
Person 2: Calm the fuck down mentally erect child.

by Cosa nostra is my thing! July 3, 2011

1👍 2👎

Mental Erection

Getting your hopes up. It's also called an unwanted mental erection, when you get your hopes up, but have a really hard time trying to bring them back down. Like an erection in public.

A: "He's so cute! I think he was flirting with me in science."
B: "You sure?"
A: "Fuckin' mental erections"

by SparklyBoy September 16, 2011

mental erection

1.n.a feeling of bliss in your head when you connect with somebody in a way you never connected before 2.n. feeling of an erection except for mentally not physically

man when i was talking to that girl a couple nights ago we just connected i got a mental erection.

by godking superdum November 9, 2009