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Mexican Prison

When you cup a pussy in your hand without putting any fingers inside. Much like some maximum security Mexican prisons, where no guards are actually inside the prison walls, they only secure the perimeter.

Her "oh honey, not tonight, I'm on my rag."

Him "how about a mexican prison and a blowjob?"

Her "You read my mind. You are so sensitive."

by The Muff Marauder April 24, 2011

5👍 3👎

mexican prison dance

Mexican prison dance- when a group of Mexican prisoners (in cell block D) gang up and rape the shit out of a poor white elderly Jewish man and his asshole.

The great drug lord Matteo, and his bitches had a Mexican prison dance with his co-inmate nick Z

by Rebel_wrestling February 9, 2014

1👍 1👎