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A guy with a great personality who plays good at sports and video games. Have good grades also and most of the time, girls go crazy over him. He's just so hot

Omg have you seen Mico?? He's so hot

by Christian47 February 3, 2014

248๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mico is a cocky handsome and honest guy who has an irresistible personality that pulls in anyone who gets to know him. Those who have gotten the privilege to know him deeper associate his presence with a feeling of home.

He is very rational and misses out on small moments because he doesnโ€™t think emotionally. He is a giver and does not give up on those he loves and commits to. He is quite annoying but loves so tenderly. And apparently some people say he is easy to love (we are yet to confirm this).

There arenโ€™t many like Mico and if you get the chance to know him deeply, hold on tight. The ride will be worth every annoying & rational moment.

Mico is annoyingly sexy.

by Ruganzu November 25, 2021


A cat who watches you like a little bitch and will cut you with no hasation

Person 1 : watch out it's Mico !
Mico: nigga I am going to cut you.
Person 2: you ... You .... Monster

by Wiggerslut June 21, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best basketball player you will ever see. He is a tall and skinny guy with asian descent and is good in everything he does. He has big and veiny hands and gets anything that he wants.

Omg is that Mico?? Heโ€™s like a monkey on the basketball court!

by User73632952869 January 19, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A tall but skinny asian guy that is very good at everything he does. He is athletic and is very good at basketball. Micos always succeed in life and heโ€™s a great friend to have.

Dang thatโ€™s Mico.

by User73632952869 January 19, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mico is a person who does bad things in the group chat, pisses people off and is always making fun of you.

That person over there in the party is a Mico.

by ScooterFett April 1, 2022


Mico is a guy who is cute, tall and he lijes sports. He typically plays basketball and shoots 3s like Curry. He's so cute that his nickname is honeyman. He is a real player with girls. He has a bunch of them and changes them all the time.

Girl: See this guy over there? He is so cute
Girl 2: Oh yes, that's Mico the Honeyman

by avalg April 12, 2022