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mild sauce

a mixture of barbecue sauce, ketchup and hot sauce that is commonly found in Chicago, mostly SouthSide BBQ/chicken joints such as Harold's and Leon's.

can i get 6 wings with mild sauce, hot sauce, salt and pepper??

by mello yellow December 9, 2009

218👍 73👎

Mild Sauce

The lowest and least highly regarded descriptor that one can use in reference to an object or event when evaluating said item's worth based on the Taco Bell Sauce Scale (or simply "Sauce Scale"). The term "mild sauce" is used to describe a girl that is severely lacking in the beauty/hotness department, a bad-tasting food item, an uncool object, or an idea or event that lacks inventiveness. Items that are declared as "Mild Sauce" are vastly less cool than items declared Fire Sauce, and slightly more lame than items declared Medium Sauce.

Similar to the idea of "Weak Sauce."

"I can't believe my Mustang just got spanked in a race by that kid's Honda."
"I can, because your shit's MILD SAUCE!"

"Man, I can't believe you actually nailed that chick last night! That chick was total mild sauce! HAHAHA!"
"Dude, don't remind me..."

by De La Nooch September 22, 2008

10👍 64👎

Extra mild weak sauce

An extension of weak sauce, an extreme nature of situations which is very chate. When it can be looked down upon as a failure, terrible, absolutely brutal in every way.

Your slap shot hit that blind kind, that's some extra mild weak sauce.

Arrested drunk in public... naked, that's some extra mild weak sauce.

by TickleMyTommo November 13, 2008

2👍 1👎

Double Mild Weak Sauce

adj: a descriptive term used to describe a person, place or thing that is below even the most basic of quality standards.

This term can be used as a description of the person, place or thing, as in "I went to France on my vacation. That Place is Double mild weak sauce." Or as the noun itself as in " "I don't know why you're friends with Dave. He is such double mild weak sauce."

by KoztiK May 16, 2011