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minecraft go

a rip off of pokmon go

"guys I got the new Minecraft go on my phone"
"whaddaya doing!? instead of catching Pokémon you are lookin at some square pigs!"

by yayeet u need help August 16, 2019

Go Minecraft yourself

When Twitter decided that being a bully was too mean for their site, users began to follow up any insult with "....in Minecraft" to avoid a ban. To "Go Minecraft Yourself" is the shortened version of "Go kill yourself.... in Minecraft."

Jones: Hey everyone I had an affair.
Dom: Dude you're a dick. You should just go Minecraft yourself
Zach: Bro go fall off a 24-block high cliff
Mike: ! I hope you get Syphilis.... in Minecraft.

by MormonJudy July 26, 2019