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Mint Chocolate Chip

Mint Chocolate Chip is one the varieties of flavors in certain brands of Ice Cream. It is often characterized by it's distinct green color, along with chocolate bits in the ice cream, and tastes much like mint with chocolate, similar to a peppermint patty.

It is also known for being a popular brand of ice cream for people to make, brandishing it as a popular homemade ice cream.

Excuse me sir, what flavor would you like again?

I would enjoy a scoop of Mint Chocolate Chip please.

by The Shady Slickster July 1, 2009

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Mint Chocolate Chip

The situation you find yourself in when you realize how nasty people would look jerking off.

Kelsey: I will never be able to think about Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream again.

by Thee Elite Three April 11, 2008

18πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

mint chocolate chip

when a guy shits in a girls mouth, adds minty toothpaste for flavor, and then makes out with her!

Ray gave his girlfriend a mint chocolate chip last night.

by Anna Rexic696969 April 5, 2006

15πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

mint chocolate chip snow storm

The mint chocolate chip snow storm is when you put toothpaste in your partners ass and you take it out with the bristles of the toothbrush and brush your teeth and when your done spit it back into her ass and then use mouthwash and spit it into her ass then you can continue having sexual intercourse.

She felt a chilling cool rush as I performed the mint chocolate chip snow storm.

by spodderman May 25, 2014

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mint chocolate chip ice cream

The best ice cream, who ever that doesn’t like it is weak

β€œHey Blake do you like this mint chocolate chip ice cream?” β€œ No sorry I do not” β€œBlake you are weak”

by Somebodythatyousedtoknow October 15, 2019

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

MiNt cHiP

MiNt cHiP means Thizz or Extacy. It would only mean that if it's written like this:MiNt cHiP.

That nigga popped 2 MiNt cHipS in class today and he was flyer than a space ship.

by Ariel Gard April 5, 2007

Mint Chip

It is literal toothpaste! There is no if ands or buts about it! Once you try it you no longer have an appetite because it feels like your just brushed your teeth.

Dans favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chip even though it is disgustingly similar to toothpaste.

Who would think to try mint chip in being that it tastes like the thing that you use to brush your teeth with.

by Polygonalmamaboat May 1, 2024