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mob rule

Slang term fittingly describing the administration of the 45th President of the United States.

You said “mob rule” about such a magnitude of peaceful demonstrations, but Mr. President, you are only describing your own administration’s attempts to silence and subvert free speech.

by Dr Bunnygirl October 16, 2018

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Mob rule

People sometimes use mob rule to get things done they wouldn't otherwise get done (to try and get a title they didn't win a few years ago for example). They would rather try and take a title with mob rule than acknowledge they got beat by a team from a town out in the middle of nowhere.

The point of having more than 2 teams in every sport is for any team from any town that has one (no matter how small the market) has a chance to get to the big game and get a title, just like the rest of the teams. Mob rule fucks it up by favoring the cities with the most people and letting the rest of the country know their teams can't have any titles.

by Solid Mantis February 9, 2020

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Mob Rule

Mob Rule: a far-right phrase describing an electoral system where the president is chosen based on a majority of voters wanting them to be president.

“You want to abolish the electoral college? That would lead to mob rule, which I’m TOTALLY in favor of when it comes to electing senators, mayors, representatives, city council members, dog catchers, judges, district attorneys, PTA heads, and literally every other position. But not the presidency for some reason.”

by WadatahMyDamie June 6, 2019

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The Golden mob-Rule

Project Unto Others What You Will Not Accept Unto Yourself

"Us stormin' the Capitol was Law 'n Order. Biden rigged the whole damn thing, stole it outright. God loves Emperor Trump and like Jesus he will return to smite them lawless alt-left criminals, it's what's termed The Golden mob-Rule, look it up!"

by Monkey's Dad January 20, 2021

The Golden Mob-Rule

Project Unto Others What Ye Cannot Accept Unto Thyself

"We wadn't doin' no harm, standin' up for law 'n order. It was them Antifa-Black-Lives-Matter what was violent! Black rioters storming the Capitol. President-for-life is Donald Trump, ordained by God 'n Biden rigged the whole damn thing, stole it outright, he's a Satanic Pedophile, says in the Bible, so I been told. God loves Trump and like Jesus he will return, it's what's termed The Golden Mob-Rule, look it up!"

by Monkey's Dad January 15, 2021