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Morgan Hill

is a city located in the southern part of Santa Clara County, California. Founded on 10 November 1906, the city was named after a local ranch owner, Hiram Morgan Hill.

Commonly known as "Mo Hill"
Contrary to popular belief Morgan Hill doesn't have the most fast food restaurants per capita.
Is the mushroom capitol of the world.
As of the census(GR2) of 2000, there are 33,556 people, 10,846 households, and 8,633 families residing in the city.

Morgan Hill is perfect because we have the rural outdoors of a midsize city but a 10 min. drive from a booming 1,000,000 people in San Jose. .

by Mr. Repp November 20, 2005

79👍 21👎

Morgan Hill

A city, where people usually hang out in groups of 2-3. Not very social, all there is to do is the bowling alley, and movies. Everyone that lives there wishes they didn't. It smells like mushrooms, and everyone smokes weed. If you've been there, you probably know Pennyton, the bastard motorcycle cop know gives everyone tickets.

Morgan Hill kinda sucks.

by KatyC September 16, 2010

177👍 62👎

Morgan Hill

Morgan Hill is a shitty po dunk town overrun by cows, bastard police officers who give out drunk in publics like its sex to them, douchebags, mushrooms (not the fun kind) and painfully stupid people. The sign of a smart Morgan Hill person is that they dont live there anymore. located between san jose and the festering asshole that is san benito county.

"Hey lets stay the hell away from morgan hill because its a terrible terrible place to be and it makes me want to vomit and kill babies."

by paulisstillstuckhere May 21, 2008

72👍 94👎

Morgan Hill

A town down in California were all there is to do is go to the movies and the bowling alley. Everyone thinks there hard but they no they are really just pussies. if u live there you probably no this cop named Pennyton that gives everyone tickets. everyone smokes weed. its not a very fun place to live...

Morgan Hill blows...

by lucky_sho8 April 29, 2011

24👍 38👎