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Morning Shit

Morning shit is a shit that becomes so frequent in your schedule, that it is set aside as part of your morning duties prior to starting the working day.

It's a shit that really signals the start of your working day... in a good way.

Monday morning ritual

1.) computer on
2.) coffee brewed
3.) emails read
4.) bowels groaning
5.) shit taken

"Oh gotta take my morning shit...right! ready to start the day"

by Wizz Bang February 2, 2012

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Morning Shit

When you have to take a shit after you wake up in the morning. Similar to morning wood, morning shit occurs when you have your first bowel movement of the day right when you wake up. It may be caused by smoking pot before you go to sleep the night prior to your morning shit. Masturbation in the morning can also cause morning shit.

"Man, that was good weed last night. I had to take a morning shit today."

by Supreme Maggot August 19, 2016

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Morning shitness

When you wake up feeling like crap for no good reason. Often a symptom of clinical depression.

'Dude, be online at 9 tomorrow, I've been getting serious morning shitness lately and it'd be great to talk to someone to cheer me up'

by beetee-> May 17, 2010

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morning shit-sickness

The condition one may have when they have been retaining their fecal material (intentionally or not) longer than the body would prefer, causing upset stomach, headache, and nausea, not unlike that of morning sickness with a human baby, except the symptoms will immediately go away with a good poo session. Now you're just pregnant with a poo baby.

Tyler: Oh, God! My stomach! I feel sick!

Kyle: Do you need to shit? Have you gone this morning?

Tyer: No I haven't. What's that got to do with anything?

Kyle: Man, you got morning shit-sickness! Go take your morning dump and you'll be good to go!

by SquatchyJ December 4, 2010

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Saturday morning shit

A Saturday morning shit that nasty bowel movement you often have at approximately 10:00am on a Saturday morning after a long Friday night of partying and drinking. Generally, the Saturday morning shit is induced by a large cup of coffee.
Taking, or, rather, leaving a Saturday morning shit is not a short project. Expect a twenty minute sit.

1. Dude, I can't talk right now, I'm concentrating on my Saturday morning shit.

2. Boy was that Saturday morning shit nasty. I plugged the toilet and the bathroom fan will have to run all day to evacuate the stench.

by Rook's Buddy May 10, 2010

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early morning shit

A shit that you have to take less than 15 mins after arriving to work. Alot of times it can get you in trouble with the boss because they have no idea where the hell you are.

Barbara: Have you seen Jenny this morning?
Jay: No I haven't. Have you checked the bathroom yet? She could be taking an early morning shit.
Barbara: God damnit!

by Speakerbox12 April 22, 2016

morning shit

waking down and feeling unseen, unheard, unloved, insecure.
you open your electronic device first thing and start throwing rants, roasts, rage, especially at people who care about you because you estimate their pain will be real.

"Baby, whats with this morning shit? You ok?"
"fuck you and your fucking friends. die a painful death. suck my cock (which is huge btw) and choke on my sauce"

by Krkiฤ December 16, 2019

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