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mother focker

Barbra Streisand is one, because she plays Gaylord Focker's (Ben Stiller) mom Roz in "Meet the Fockers".

Ooohhh, La Streisand! What a mother focker!

by lawnmowerman February 5, 2005

134👍 79👎

mother focker

A way of saying mother fucker in a pot bellied hill billy way .

That hill billy derek always says mother foocker instead of mother fucker so we always laugh our asses of when he says it .

by paul k. July 7, 2004

57👍 50👎

pass the chicken mother focker

final and last straw, an outbreak of anger telling someone u had enough of the hustle

im sick of your shiet, pass the chicken mother focker

by orange cafe April 2, 2007