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mother gay

A gay man who acts as a motherly figure within their freindship group

"Mother gay, I have an issue! Please help "

by MotherGay January 14, 2018

mother gay

A motherly gay male

Charlie is such a mother, he's basically mother gay!

by MotherGay February 2, 2018

Your brother a mother and your mother gay

Comes from the old legends like: your mom gay, you granny tranny etc. But this is the evolved ascended form that involves two greater insults in one form soon it will be the trinity with 3 insults

Bob: hey

John: your mom gay
Bob: no u
John: your brother a mother and your mother gay
*The devil is instantly summoned and drags billy down to the deapths of hell to rot for all eternity

by Yeeetsrt March 27, 2018

Your Mother Is Gay

An insult that nerds use to "win" fights. if anyone says this the other person shall explode due to complete simpleness


Nerd: No


Nerd: Your Mother Is Gay

Bully: *Organs implode and head explodes due to simpleness

by Markdabetterer_M9 April 14, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck you fuck your mother your mother gay

By saying this, you avoid conversations and absolutely destroys the other person.

Person 1: Hi
Person 2: fuck you fuck your mother your mother gay
Person 1: *explodes*

by noturmomthatsforsure April 5, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

thou mother art gay

Things they said while fighting year 400

- Thou mother art gay

*Opponent explodes instantly*

by thoumother March 31, 2018

gay mother fucker

Eating dick or sucking balls

Maziar is such a gay mother fucker

by Black Dawg November 10, 2013

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž