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Mutual Relationship

A term commonly used by that of hoes or thots ( that hoe over there) used to describe a splash she's had with a multiple, multiple guys. Do not be mistaken for the drizzle, a thot will always be a thot. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Or a male describing a concurrence under the sheets with a friend and saying it was because of a mutual friend.

I didn't do that! He's just a mutual friend, ya know? Like a mutual relationship.

by BUDDAhpsedu April 17, 2017

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Mutual Extramarital Relationship

When both members of a married couple are simultaneously in a relationship with the same third party.

Girl: Can Scarlett Johansson be our Mutual Extramarital Relationship?
Guy: What?
Girl: You know, we both get to bang her if we get the chance.

by RICH TEEJ October 6, 2011

mutually beneficial relationship

A relationship where you both benefit. For example she gives you a blowjob and you pay her car payment. Usually a Sugar daddy/sugar baby arrangement. Since it's not a one time thing and you are building a "relationship," it's not prostitution.

I am looking for a handsome man to have a mutually beneficial relationship with.

by Salami sandwhich December 22, 2017

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Mutual Photo Relationship

When a couple meets online and then bases their relationship off of photos shared by the other person in the relationship.

Stoner D-Bag: This girl on Omegle totally sent me this pic of her naked on an ironing board.
Stoner D-Bag's Friend: Oh, you're having one of those "Mutual Photo Relationships" ...sexy
Stoner D-Bag: You're just jealous cuz I have a girlfriend and you don't!
Stoner D-Bag's Friend: Get back to me when you get in her pants...

by Karla6969696969 September 21, 2011

to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship

To reach a common level of understanding, whether in terms of intimacy or anything else

If you want to avoid conflict you need to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship, at least on some issues, with your significant other

by Sexydimma March 19, 2017

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to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship

a) to see eye-to-eye
b) to reach a common level of understanding, whether in terms of intimacy or otherwise

if you want to properly communicate with someone, and avoid conflict, you need to start by learning how to learn how to fuel a mutually beneficial relationship

by Sexydimma December 26, 2014

mutually abusive relationship

A relationship that is based on unhealthy conflict.

Have you heard of Johnny and Amber’s mutually abusive relationship? Those two love bickering and fighting all the time but both of them seem to love that aspect of it.

by Jsonbourne May 14, 2023

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