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get into my van

The last words that most children hear

These people r pedophiles.

They will give u nothing.

Man "get into my van. I have vbucks and robux. Just get into my van."

Retarded ass child "Ok sure." (picks nose and eats the booger)

Man rapes child.

by ARockWithLegs December 19, 2019

Wanna hop in my white van?

It's what pedos say.

I got candy, so, wanna hop in my white van?

by xWhoCaresxXdumb July 21, 2019

Mouse in my van

When a normal size guy let’s a small homosexual man insert his penis into his anus.

Joe: Last night I had this sweet little mouse in my van.

Adie: How was it?

Joe: Well I barely felt him.

by Bottom of the Bottle January 11, 2018

My van

The bait of a pedophile to catch kids

“There’s free WiFi in my van, come on kids!”

by Le Pipi May 10, 2018