Source Code

my bit

Used when reffering to someones house or flat

Fancy coming to my bit later on for a Pro Evo tournament?

by jabberjaw07 September 30, 2007

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my bit

dwelling, where you live

Want to come to my house? translates to wannae come to my bit

by mcjo October 14, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

load my bit

to add breesh (money) or funds to ones bitcoin account !

yo Brody you trinna load my bit ? Wassup ?

by Jayy Dinero January 30, 2019

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Diddle my bits

Finger me

I want you to diddle my bits!

by Morethanroyal March 30, 2018

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doing my bit for the child effort

wanking into a pot at a sperm clinic in order to make test tube babies.

'Been down the sperm clinic again Bert?'
'Just doing my bit for the child effort Roland.'

by TCourtzone January 18, 2008

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My two bits

My two cents, adapted for programer humor.

Person:"I think java is slow"
Pajit:"Java is a very powerfull tool"* indian accent*
Person:"I don't know man, this are just my two bits on the issue"

by Phrgfdiefhshdjks May 12, 2018

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Charlie Bit My Finger

Two wierd British kids that happened to be caught on film after baby Charlie experimented with cannibalism

One of the most-watched videos of all time on YouTube for some strange reason. It isn't very funny, but as it currently stands, it has racked up 213,161,477 views over the course of 3 years

"Charlie bit my finger! Ooooouch Charlie! Charlie bit me!"

Viewer: Hey kids, start biting each other and complaining about it in British accents! I want over 2/3 of the population of the United States to watch a video of it!

by CBMFD July 26, 2010

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