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My Fellow Americans

A phrase which normally immediately precedes some of the most mindless, pandering crap you will ever hear; typically used by politicians and when they want something or are announcing any number of plans to further screw the American population. Used to further the illusion that those in power are in some way equal to those under their power. The public speaking equivalent of a Flag Pin

My Fellow Americans, i'm pleased to tell you today that I have signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever; we begin bombing in five minutes - Ronald Reagan, mic check "joke", 8/11/84

by orbitn September 10, 2011

39👍 4👎

my fellow americans

Obama's fellow americans

Obama - "Hello, my fellow americans. today I want to talk to you about..."

by Nigger faggit penis July 22, 2021

2👍 4👎

My fellow Americans, I have not been entirely truthful with you. I did gigoogity that girl. I geschmoigiddied her geflavaty with my googus, and I am sorry

My fellow Americans, I have not been entirely truthful with you. I did creampie that girl. I impregnated her fetus with my sperm, and I am sorry.

Quagmire: My fellow Americans, I have not been entirely truthful with you. I did gigoogity that girl. I geschmoigiddied her geflavaty with my googus, and I am sorry.
Meg: What does that mean?
Peter: Shut up, Meg.
Stewie: Brian, what DOES this mean?
Brian: It means Quagmire was having sex with a pregnant woman and she made him come so hard he accidentally impregnated her fetus.
Lois: Uh, that's terrible!
Chris: That's not as bad as what the evil monkey does to me at night.

by iamawaitingdeath March 9, 2023

2👍 1👎