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my girlfriend sally

something you would reject when editing urban dictionary posts.

Publish Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally

by veggieness April 5, 2005

98👍 39👎

My girlfriend Sally

1) In the Urban Dictionary editorial guidelines, the very embodiment of the nonentity: "Publish definitions of Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally".

2) Fictitious girlfriend, invented in order to convince your friends that you are not gay or that a woman has found you attractive enough to want to be your girlfriend. See Canadian girlfriend.

My girlfriend Sally says she loves it when I do sex with her up the anal root canal.

by Sklooby March 19, 2008

19👍 7👎

My girlfriend Sally

1) In the Urban Dictionary editorial guidelines, the very embodiment of the nonentity: "Publish definitions of Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally".

2) Fictitious girlfriend, invented in order to convince your friends that you are not gay or that a woman has found you attractive enough to want to be your girlfriend. See Canadian girlfriend.

editor: "I had to reject My girlfriend Sally due to the editorial guidline of no violent sex acts."

submittor: "argh! rejection!"

by tehflip March 19, 2008

9👍 15👎