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My moon

being someones moon is when your so beautiful to them and you don't know it because your so far and out of reach but yet everyone knows there beautiful and loved so deeply but not knowing any of it

Jake: she's my soulmate i swear by it, look at her, she's my moon.

by imissyouimsorry June 28, 2021

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on my moons

A polite way of saying you have your period.
Derives from the fact that women naturally menstruate around the time of a full moon.

Ooh, i'm on me moons!

by sun figured October 3, 2003

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My moon is slowly hiding her shine

You're taking a long time to reply

My moon is slowly hiding her shine, maybe I'm not that important.

by @cessprttyugh March 25, 2022

my charming moon

So many thoughts where should I start?

You’re literally my happy days and more having you around means the world to me . you’re the reason why I believe in love, my safe place, my girl and the one who takes my breath away every time we talk or even me looking at your pics. I’m literally on my knees for you. I know we had our ups and downs and that made me realize how deeply I’m in love with you and how much our bond is getting stronger day by day that we created a safe place for the two of us. I’m looking forward to make things up and grow together and to make this love bloom as it should.
I love you withe my whole heart <3

I could admire my charming moon for the rest of my life

by 6m6m January 4, 2023

i love you than the sun, my moon.

Well, its an another way of telling "i love you but, the sun has risen. Goodbye, my moon." If your partner said that to you, OHMY! Goodluck to you being single. ≑(▔﹏▔)≑

And, you can use that if you're gonna be leaving them for another guy. The sun represents your other partner which is the guy who is the reason why you're gonna leave him. And, the moon is your main partner. GOOOOODLUCK

" You: I love you than the sun, my moon."

by Edelweiss. January 5, 2022

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this animates my moon

from sleepy to O.O


by greenseqquoiaocean December 21, 2020