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My pie

1. A sweet name to call your loved one.
2. Silas, who is smol but also unbelievably hot.
3. A slice of pie that belongs to yourself.

1. Silas is my pie.
2. Damn, Silas is smol.
3. Oh hey, there's the pie I baked.

by ForMyPie January 23, 2017

salt my pie

To annoy or irritate. Usually by wrecking a good thing (i.e. pie) by adding an incongruous irritant (salt).

You know what really salts my pie? I was going to go out this weekend and the professor sprung that essay on us on Friday afternoon.

Man, calm down! Who salted your pie today?

If she doesn't shut up, she's totally gonna salt my pie.

by Mara_the_Obscure December 12, 2005

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Stepping in my pie

A phrase used to describe getting in someone's business.

Girl: "Here comes the girl you have a crush on. Go say Hi!"
Guy: "Quit stepping in my pie!" LOL
Girl: "I'm sorry. I just stepped in your pie. Didn't I?"

by EduardoG February 3, 2010

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fancy a piece of my pie

This is when you are flirting with the opposite sex and you want to get their attention to have a bang, you say "hey, fancy a piece of my pie? Its moist and delicious".

"hey, fancy a piece of my pie? Its moist and delicious".

by pie_faceblabla17 January 10, 2017

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No kitty, this is my pot pie

"Well then I know a certain kitty-kitty that's sleeping with mommy tonight!"

"No kitty, this is my pot pie" is perhaps one of the funniest masterpieces in South Park.

by Brawldud December 21, 2011

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eat my cherry pie

Eating out a pussy then popping the cherry.

Hey baby, you gonna eat my cherry pie tonight?

by Cherrycherry August 13, 2017

pie my life

Phrase suggesting one either screwed up or is about to screw up in light of recent events; synonymous with the phrase "fuck my life."

Bob: Bro, did you do the research paper for English yet? It's due tomorrow.

You: Ah fuck, PIE my LIFE.

by a.wizzy December 10, 2010