Source Code

my room

the place where YOU (and only you) go (alone most of the time.) for various reason. to.
escape the bratty little siblings constantly asking you questions
escape the parents constantly naggin you to do something.

your piece of privacy

this is MY ROOM. get the f out.

by just1dimple March 27, 2008

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My Room

a place to go and chill and smoke pot

hey man lets go to my room for a while and relax

by 907pride May 14, 2008

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A roach in my room

*points to Orochimaru* a RoAcH iN mY rOoM

Orochimaru=a roach in my room

by Whatsername.- January 3, 2020

Cleaning my room

Hiding my stuff in the closet so that my room looks clean

Mom: What are you doing?
Me: I'm cleaning my room
Mom: Then why are you shoving everything into the closet?
Me: Ummmmm

by zcsdfb,zb kfzv jhfgz February 20, 2020

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placing my room

organizing, cleaning, or etc. your room

Friend 1: Wyd?
Friend 2: Placing my room.

by tayrikaaa December 9, 2017

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dancing in my room

swayin my feet

dancing in my room,
swayin my feet
tryna give u love
a kiss on da cheek :*

by 360Hz February 2, 2021

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Mush in my room

The code phrase for doing Magic Mushrooms

Hey, wanna mush in my room later?

Hey, Mush, Get in my room later on?

by Da Shroom King August 21, 2010

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