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nail biter

suspenseful, keeps you on the edge of your seat

the movie was a real nail biter.

by dr. v January 19, 2004

62👍 13👎

nail biter

A woman sexy enough that you would bite your fingernails hours after playing with her just to remember the experience.

"I can't wait until I can get home and taste my fingernails.

by vince January 15, 2004

19👍 57👎

Nail biter

Someone who is afraid to make decisions due to disproportional fear of the consequences.

I realized I had forgot my ID after I was already standing in line with a 6-pack of IPA.

Luckily, I was in the lane with a familiar grocery cashier who had sold me beer numerous times.

When asked for ID I politely said "hey sorry I just realized I forgot it" .
The cashier nervously looks at me then turns around to her manager and says "a customer is here who I have sold to before but they forgot their ID this time" .
To my displeasure, the manager lets me know I cannot be sold the beer without an ID.
The cashier in this example is a nail biter.

by Dopedik October 7, 2021